A sweet little house-style feeder that will attract a variety of songbirds into your backyard.
Holds up to 2lbs of seed and would be perfect for Black Oil Sunflower, Hulled Sunflower and Safflower.
Tariffic Deals
Help us deplete our American Stock so we can restock with Canadian or Canadian Friendly Deals. Get 20% off American Feeders so we can restock with Canadian, unfortunately the restock can't happen without depleting our current stock. Canada isn't for sale, but we can certainly devalue American stock. While we wish all the pain in the world for the current American administration, we wish all the best of luck to the Americans who are just as disturbed as we are at the depravity that is playing out south of our border.
Use code FTRMP20 at the checkout to get your 20% off the feeders in this category.
H2302 Double Suet Feeder
WS467 16 oz Saucer Oriole Feeder
WS253 Oriole Jelly Feeder
YH312R Red Metal Panorama Feeder
YH312 Panorama Fdr
ASP425 Large Seed Tube - Spruce
PW75590 Metal Squirrel Feeder
ETSUET1 Double Suet Feeder with Cage