Premium Birdseed Blend "The Right Stuff " 10lb bag

Article number: RIGHT10
Availability: In stock (5)
Delivery time: Order soon to avoid FOMO! Same day to next day pick up, or shipping of your choice at checkout (times may vary)

Right Stuff Birdseed Blend

Discover the secret to a bustling bird feeder with our Right Stuff Birdseed Blend, a favorite among bird enthusiasts in the Northumberland and Quinte regions:

  • Bird-Approved Recipe: Meticulously tested with birds to determine the perfect mix, ensuring only the most appealing seeds are included.
  • Local Favorite: Celebrated by birds and bird feeders alike for over 30 years, proving its effectiveness and popularity.
  • Quality Ingredients: Small batch mixed from prime-sourced, fresh ingredients, crafted with pride and love with a 30+ year old recipe from our original founder.
  • Proven Success: Ideal for those who have invested in their feeders and want to attract a variety of birds with ease.

Note: Prices on the bag image may not reflect current pricing.

Experience the joy of a lively bird feeder with a blend that truly delivers. If you haven't tried it yet, now's the time—your feathered friends know the difference and will thank you!

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