Backyard Birding Blog
Grackles and Starlings
Aside from squirrels and chipmunks, grackles and starlings, or bully birds, are the next least welcome at bird feeders.
Heartache at the Feeders
Have the post-holiday blues about the price of bird seed in your feeders? Let's talk about it.
Recent articles
- Are Robins a Sign of Spring?
- Ground Feeding Birds
- Suet - Do it!!
- Northern Cardinals - Who better to serve as Decembers Bird of the Month?
- Bird of the Month for November -Chickadees
- How Do Birds Stay Warm in Winter?
- Why Pet Fur is Unsafe for Wild Birds
- Discover the Serenity of Backyard Birding: A Pathway to Mental Well-being
- Managing Eastern Gray Squirrels, Chipmunks, and Raccoons in Your Backyard Birding Space
- Embracing Seasonal Changes: Attracting Songbirds with the Right Stuff Seed Blend
- All About Birds (2)
- Audubon (2)
- Backyard birding (6)
- backyard birds (3)
- Bird Conservation (4)
- bird feeder tips (2)
- bird feeders (3)
- bird feeding tips (2)
- Bird Lovers (2)
- Bird Nesting (3)
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- birding tips (3)
- birdwatching (6)
- Daniel Decouvreur (2)
- native plants (3)
- nectar (3)
- Northumberland ON (2)
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- Pet Fur (2)
- Presqu'ile (1)
- Right Stuff Seed Blend (2)
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- suet (2)
- Wildlife Care (2)
- Winter Birds (3)